Gohil, C., Kohl, O., Huang, R., van Es, MWJ., Parker Jones, O., Hunt, LT., Quinn, AJ., & Woolrich, MW. (2024). Dynamic network analysis of electrophysiological task data - Imaging Neuroscience [pdf]
Marshall, TR, Ruesseler, M., Hunt, LT., & O’Reilly, JX. (2024). The representation of priors and decisions in parietal cortex - PLoS Biology [pdf]
Yan, Y., Hunt, LT., & Hassall CD. (2024). Reward positivity biases interval production in a continuous timing task - Psychophysiology [pdf]
Hassall, CD., Yan, Y., & Hunt, LT. (2022). The neural correlates of continuous feedback processing - Psychophysiology [pdf]
Ruesseler*, M., Weber*, LAE., Marshall, TR., O’Reilly, JX., & Hunt, LT. (2023). Decision-making in dynamic, continuously evolving environments: quantifying the flexibility of human choice - eLife [pdf]
Veselic, S., Muller, TH., Gutierrez, E., Behrens, TEJ., Hunt, LT., Butler, JL., Kennerley ,SW. A cognitive map for value-guided choice in ventromedial prefrontal cortex - bioRxiv [pdf]
Wójcik, MJ., Stroud, JP., Wasmuht, D., Kusunoki, M., Kadohisa, M., Myers, NE., Hunt, LT., Duncan, J., & Stokes, MG. (2023). Learning shapes neural geometry in the prefrontal cortex - bioRxiv [pdf]
Hassall CD., Harley, J., Kolling, N., & Hunt, L. T. (2022). Temporal scaling of human scalp-recorded potentials - PNAS [pdf]
Hassall CD. & Hunt LT. (2022). Novelty, uncertainty, and the looming horizon - Neuron [pdf]
Hassall CD., Hunt, LT., & Holroyd, CB. (2022). Task-level value affects trial-level reward processing - NeuroImage [pdf]
Manning, C., Hassall, CD., Hunt, LT., Norcia, AM., Wagenmakers, E-J., Snowling, MJ., Scerif, G., & Evans, NJ. (2022). Visual motion and decision-making in dyslexia: reduced accumulation of sensory evidence and related neural dynamics - Journal of Neuroscience [pdf]
Manning, C., Hassall, CD., Hunt, LT., Norcia, AM., Wagenmakers, E-J., Evans, NJ. , & Scerif, G. (2022). Behavioural and neural indices of perceptual decision-making in autistic children during visual motion tasks - Scientific Reports [pdf]
Butler, JL., Muller, TH., Veselic, S., Malalasekera, WMN., Hunt, LT., Behrens, TEJ., & Kennerley, SW. (2021). Covert valuation for information sampling and choice - bioRxiv [pdf]
Hunt, LT. (2021). Frontal circuit specialisations for decision making - European Journal of Neuroscience [pdf]
Hunt, LT., Daw, ND., Kaanders, P., MacIver, MA., Mugan, U., Procyk, E., Redish, AD., Russo, E., Scholl, J., Stachenfeld, K., Wilson, CRE., & Kolling, N. Formalizing planning and information search in naturalistic decision-making - Nature Neuroscience [pdf]
Kaanders, P., Juechems, K. O’Reilly, JX., Hunt, LT. (2021) Dissociable mechanisms of information sampling in prefrontal cortex and the dopaminergic system - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences [pdf]
Kaanders, P., Nili, H., O'Reilly, JX., & Hunt, L. (2021). Medial frontal cortex activity predicts information sampling in economic choice - Journal of Neuroscience [pdf]
Marshall, TR, Ruesseler, M., Hunt, LT., & O’Reilly, JX. (2021). Computational specialisation within the cortical eye movement system - bioRxiv [pdf]
Takagi, Y., Hunt, LT., Ohata, R., Imamizu, H., & Hirayama, J-I. (2021). Neural dSCA: Demixing multimodal interaction among brain areas during naturalistic experiements - bioRxiv [pdf]
Takagi, Y., Hunt, LT., Woolrich, MW., Behrens TEJ., & Klein-Flugge, M. (2021). Adapting non-invasive human recordings along multiple task-axes shows unfolding of spontaneous and over-trained choice - eLife [pdf]
Cavanagh, SE., Hunt, LT., & Kennerley, SW. (2020). A diversity of intrinsic timescales underlie neural computations - Frontiers in Neural Circuits [pdf]
Cavanagh, SE., Lam, NH., Murray, JD., Hunt, LT., & Kennerley, SW. (2020). A circuit mechanism for decision-making biases and NMDA receptor hypofunction - eLife [pdf]
Takagi, Y., Kennerley, SW., Hirayama, J., & Hunt, LT. (2020). Demixed shared component analysis of neural population data from multiple brain areas - NeurIPS [pdf]
Hassall, CD., Harley, J., Kolling, N., & Hunt, LT. (2020). Temporal Scaling of Human Scalp-Recorded Potentials During Interval Estimation - bioRxiv [pdf]
Kaanders, P., Nili, H., O’Reilly, JX., & Hunt, LT. (2020). Medial frontal cortex activity predicts information sampling in economic choice - bioRxiv [pdf]
Cavanagh, SE., Malalasekera, WMN., Miranda, B., Hunt, LT., & Kennerley, SW. (2019). Visual fixation patterns during economic choice reflect covert valuation processes that emerge with learning - PNAS [pdf]
Hunt, LT. (2019). The life-changing magic of sharing your data - Nature Human Behaviour [pdf]
Fineberg, SK., Leavitt, J., Stahl, DS., Kronemer, S., Landry, CD., Alexander-Bloch, A., Hunt, LT. & Corlett, PR. (2018). Differential Valuation and Learning From Social and Nonsocial Cues in Borderline Personality Disorder - Biological Psychiatry [pdf]
Hunt, LT., Malalasekera, WMN., de Berker, AO., Miranda, B., Farmer, SF., Behrens, TEJ. & Kennerley, SW. (2018). Triple dissociation of attention and decision computations across prefrontal cortex - Nature Neuroscience [pdf]
Kaanders, P. & Hunt, LT. (2018). Neuroscience: Intracranial recordings of value - Current Biology [pdf]
Cavanagh, SE., Towers, JP., Wallis, JD., Hunt, LT. & Kennerley, SW. (2018). Reconciling persistent and dynamic hypotheses of working memory coding in prefrontal cortex - Nature Communications [pdf]
Vidaurre, D., Hunt, LT., Quinn, AJ., Hunt, BAE., Brookes, MJ., Nobre, AC. & Woolrich, MW. (2018).Spontaneous cortical activity transiently organises into frequency specific phase-coupling networks - Nature Communications [pdf]
Grundler, T., Fischer, A., Barnes, G., Hunt, LT. & Jocham, G. (2017). Dopaminergic modulation of cortical beta band value representation - Psychophysiology
Hunt, LT. & Hayden, BY. (2017). A distributed, hierarchical and recurrent framework for reward-based choice - Nature Reviews Neuroscience [pdf]
Hunt, LT., Rutledge, RB., Malalasekera, WMN., Kennerley, SW. & Dolan, RJ. (2016). Approach-induced biases in human information sampling - PLoS Biology [pdf]
Cavanagh, SE., Wallis, JD., Kennerley, SW. & Hunt, LT. (2016). Autocorrelation structure at rest predicts value correlates of single neurons during reward-guided choice - eLife [pdf]
Hunt, LT., Behrens, TEJ., Hosokawa, T., Wallis, JD. & Kennerley, SW. (2015). Capturing the temporal evolution of choice across prefrontal cortex - eLife [pdf]
Lim, MSM., Jocham, G., Hunt, LT., Behrens, TEJ. & Rogers, RD. (2015). Impulsivity and predictive control are associated with suboptimal action-selection and action-value learning in regular gamblers - International Gambling Studies [pdf]
Hauser, TU., Hunt, LT., Iannaccone, R., Walitza, S., Brandeis, D., Brem, S. & Dolan, RJ. (2015). Temporally dissociable contributions of human medial prefrontal subregions to reward-guided learning - Journal of Neuroscience [pdf]
Kolling, N. & Hunt, LT. (2015). Divide and conquer: strategic decision areas - Nature Neuroscience [pdf]
Hunt, LT., Dolan, RJ. & Behrens, TEJ. (2014). Hierarchical competitions subserving multi-attribute choice - Nature Neuroscience [pdf]
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Hunt, LT. (2014). What are the neural origins of choice variability? - Trends in cognitive sciences [pdf]
Chau, BKH., Kolling, N., Hunt, LT., Walton, ME. & Rushworth, MFS. (2014). A neural mechanism underlying failure of optimal choice with multiple alternatives - Nature Neuroscience [pdf]
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Hunt, LT., Woolrich, MW., Rushworth, MFS. & Behrens, TEJ. (2013). Trial-type dependent frames of reference for value comparison - PLoS Computational Biology [pdf]
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Hunt, LT. & Behrens, TEJ. (2011). Frames of reference in human social decision making - Neural Basis of Motivational and Cognitive Control (book)
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Pinnock, SB., Balendra, R., Chan, M., Hunt, LT., Turner-Stokes, T. & Herbert, J. (2007). Interactions between nitric oxide and corticosterone in the regulation of progenitor cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus of the adult rat - Neuropsychopharmacology [pdf]